World Bank and IFC continue promoting false solutions to climate and environmental emergency, helping extractive companies greenwash their environmental impacts.
World Bank’s new Forest Action Plan questioned
The World Bank has released its Forest Action Plan, but civil society raised concerns, including regarding lack of impact in light of the outcomes of the safeguards review and the links to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility.
World Bank cancels Bisri dam project in Lebanon after years of community resistance
Environmental groups and activists claim victory after years of campaigning.
MIGA considering support for Guinea’s Nimba mining project in UNESCO heritage site
The Mount Nimba nature reserve has been listed as a World Heritage site since 1981 but classified as "in danger" since 1992, in part due to the threat of iron-ore mining.
World Bank’s proposed standards “gravely weaken” investment safeguards
As the World Bank closed the third and final round of public consultations on its new draft social and environmental standards, further concerns have been raised about problematic and weak language.
Global Partnership for Oceans: World Bank fishing in troubled waters?
CSO concerns have been raised over the Bank’s Global Partnership for Oceans initiative, due to the strong emphasis on promoting aquaculture and the push for privatisation of access to fish resources.
Kenya evictions: foreshadowing future World Bank forest work?
Indigenous peoples have been evicted from their forests by a conservation project in Kenya funded by the World Bank. The Bank is currently drafting a new forests action plan.
A mine of controversy: World Bank push for large scale extractives
New concerns have been raised on the World Bank’s involvement in the Simandou mine in Guinea, including on the use of biodiversity offsets, while civil society has repeated unaddressed concerns on the Mongolia Oyu Tolgoi mine. Further concerns have been raised on mines in Dominican Republic, Peru and South Africa.