The myths of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers - that they are nationally owned, pro-poor, and poverty-reducing - should be debunked.
Capacity building
Interim report on the evaluation of the Integrated Framework
Interim report of evaluator Capra International to the heads of agencies of the Integrated Framework for trade-related technical assistance 10 July 2003 in Washington.
Update on the Integrated Framework
The Integrated Framework for Technical Assistance to the Least Developed Countries (IF) is a multi-agency initiative to coordinate national ministries, donors and multilateral agencies in the provision of trade-related capacity building.
Trade and PRSP study
UK-based Christian Aid has commissioned the Overseas Development Institute to analyse the trade content of PRSPs.
NGO work on trade-finance coherence
A coalition of NGOs have drafted suggestions for the work agenda for the WTO working group on trade, debt and finance.
New report queries World Bank influence over PRSP analysis
The World Bank plays a powerful role in determining the policies chosen by PRSP countries. A new report provides a critical assessment of the current moves to introduce Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA), and recommends taking further action to break the Bank’s near monopoly on development analysis and control of policy formulation process.
Bank “cornering market” in trade capacity building
The Bank’s role in trade capacity building affords enormous influence over the hearts and minds of trade policy makers and the way in which trade is mainstreamed into national development plans. The initial experience of the Integrated Framework programme shows that there is reason for concern.
Cornering the Market: The World Bank and trade capacity building
The Bank’s role in trade capacity building affords enormous influence over the hearts and minds of trade policy makers and the way in which trade is mainstreamed into national development plans. The initial experience of the Integrated Framework programme shows that there is reason for concern. (September 2002)
Trade policy capacity-building statement
Joint Civil Society Statement Originally Prepared For Donor Pledging Meeting
Trade policy training challenged, but donors commit more funds
The heads of six major international institutions met to discuss their roles in trade policy formulation. They agreed that the World Bank should play a “lead role”, ensuring that trade policy reform is a major part of PRSPs. NGOs released a statement of concern about official approaches to trade policy capacity building, but donors allocated more money.