More debt without tackling the political sources of Egypt’s economic problems means a deepening of the crisis.
Conditionality impacts
Pakistan’s debt crisis fuelled by more IMF loans
Pakistan on track to receive its 24th loan from the IMF after the lender disbursed the last tranche of the country’s latest $3 billion programme.
The World Bank and climate finance: Success story or a new era of green ‘structural adjustment’?
This Inside the Institutions analyses the World Bank's climate finance, examining its impact on low- and middle-income countries' climate objectives.
Gambling with the planet’s future? World Bank Development Policy Finance, ‘green’ conditionality, and the push for a private-led energy transition
BWP's review of energy sector conditionality in World Bank Development Policy Financing from fiscal years 2018 to 2023 reveals the Bank has followed a pattern of promoting neoliberal reforms in many countries' energy sectors, with climate action increasingly being viewed as the rationale for these changes.
Social services
The World Bank's water privatisation agenda neglects fundamental human rights
World Bank's water privatisation agenda directly clashes with its poverty alleviation goals, disregarding water as a basic human right.
Social services
Sri Lankan trade unions call out IMF and World Bank's dismantling of country’s social protection system in favour of ineffective targeting schemes
Sri Lankan trade unions call out IMF and World Bank's dismantling of country’s social protection system in favor of ineffective targeting schemes.
World Bank and IMF promoting private finance and fiscal consolidation despite mounting evidence of harmful impacts
Civil society research documents clear harms from privatisation and fiscal consolidation on public services and human rights, as Bank and Fund push for their deepening.
What is the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust?
This Inside the Institutions looks at IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST) reflecting on concerns about its eligibility criteria, quota limit, and 'green conditions'.
Tunisian government resists proposed IMF austerity programme
Tunisian government is attempting to renegotiate IMF loan to avoid subsidy cuts on food and fuel.
IFI governance
Marrakech CSO working group launches statement ahead of 2023 Annual Meetings
Marrakech working group calls on the BWIs to cancel the debt, stop imposing austerity and ensure a just energy transition.