Conditionality impacts

IFI governance


Austerity in the Eurozone

Seminar at the Spring meetings 2012, 19 April 12

20 April 2012 | Minutes



How can the IMF enhance its focus on growth and poverty reduction in LICS?

A civil society meeting held at the World Bank and the IMF hold their 2012 spring meetings in Washington DC on Friday 20th April.

20 April 2012 | Minutes



Development Policy Lending (DPL) Retrospective consultation

Minutes meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012

19 April 2012 | Minutes



UK civil society meeting UK IMF Executive Director Alex Gibbs

Notes of a meeting with UK executive director to the IMF Alex Gibbs in April 2012

18 April 2012 | Minutes



Egypt to agree IMF loan despite opposition

Egypt's interim government announced in February that they expect to sign a $3.2 billion loan deal with the IMF and state-media reported that negotiations are underway for a $1 billion loan from the World Bank.

5 April 2012



IMF policy recommendations

IMF policy recommendations are often criticised for being too restrictive, procyclical and paying little attention to country-specific circumstances. In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, the Fund showed some policy rethinking, bringing about expectations of change. However, Rathin Roy and Raquel A. Ramos of the UNDP Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth analyse IMF policy recommendations given to developing countries and conclude that headquarters' receptiveness to new approaches has not been trans

27 March 2012 | At Issue



Green light for revised PforR, but concerns remain

The World Bank board has approved the controversial new Program-for-Results (PforR) lending instrument, with some concessions to criticism.

7 February 2012

Social services


World Bank loans linked to child mortality

A June 2011 academic paper that analysed health outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa found that "when a country is under a World Bank structural adjustment loan it tends to have higher levels of child mortality".

7 February 2012

Social services


IMF from Argentina to Greece: similar but different

The economic crisis in Argentina in 2001 and Greece today share both similarities and differences, so we should be wary of stretching the comparison.

7 February 2012 | Guest comment



IMF in a euromess?

The IMF responds to calls from European leaders to get more involved in the European debt crisis through greater lending to the region, however, the austerity policies being demanded are stoking further criticism from civil society organisations.

3 February 2012