Conditionality impacts



Highlights of meeting between Tom Scholar and UK NGOS

Highlights of meeting between Tom Scholar and UK NGOS

28 June 2005 | Minutes



G8 cancellation of World Bank, IMF debt: "step forward"

Finance ministers of the world's richest countries agreed to write off $40 to $55 billion of debts owed to the World Bank, IMF and African Development Bank. Statements on aid effectiveness and trade in the final communiqu

13 June 2005



Setbacks to privatisations across Africa

The collapse of a flagship water privatisation in Tanzania, and opposition to both a planned privatisation of the state cotton board and the completed privatisation of the state railway in Mali, highlight the continuing struggle over pressure from the Bretton Woods institutions to privatise in Africa.

13 June 2005



Aid, death and dogma

A report released in May by UK NGO Christian Aid, documents case studies in India, Ghana and Jamaica where imposed liberalisation has ravaged local industry with devastating social impacts.

13 June 2005



Parliamentarians go to Washington to demand greater oversight

Parliamentarians from eight countries travelled to Washington for the Bank-Fund spring meetings to present the…

13 June 2005



UK NGO meeting with executive director Tom Scholar: uncorrected highlights 4 April 2005

Minutes of Spring meeting with Tom Scholar and UK NGOs in London

28 April 2005 | Minutes



IMF and World Bank use of conditions under the microscope

Responding to stinging criticism from civil society and the Commission for Africa, the IMF and the Bank are under pressure for a fundamental rethinking of the use of conditionality. The results of a series of ongoing evaluations will be critical.

10 April 2005



IFIs on trade: “enormous investment” but to what end?

The World Bank's international trade unit presented a progress report to the board in early March describing an enormous increase in investment in trade-related analysis which it is now looking to translate in to new lending - a serious concern for analysts who feel the Bank and Fund have got it wrong on trade.

10 April 2005



Cautious dialogue as conflict over water continues

The deep freeze on communications between the World Bank’s water unit and civil society groups thawed a little at a recent dialogue. A revolt against private sector participation in Bolivia shows just how far there is to go.

2 February 2005



Bank review of the use of loan conditions takes shape

The scope of a year-long review of the conditions that the Bank attaches to its lending is becoming clearer, but differences with the Fund remain.

2 February 2005