A new report by Bolivian NGO CEDLA shows that despite a new emphasis on civil society participation and poverty alleviation, the core policies attached to IMF loans have not changed.
Conditionality impacts
Draft adjustment policy not available yet
The World Bank is in the final stages of revising its policy on structural adjustment.…
IMF’s response to crisis “inadequate”
A new report by the IMF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) highlights mistakes in the handling of three major financial crises in the late 1990s (Indonesia, Korea and Brazil).
Social services
SAP protests still raging: Latin America examples
A summary of recent protests against IMF-imposed structural adjustment programmes in Latin America.
IMF transparency still lagging on crucial issues
The Executive Board of the IMF met to discuss a revision of its procedures towards more transparency. While the IMF assimilates transparency efforts in the past few years to a ‘revolution’, critics point to major shortcomings hampering public scrutiny of IMF operations
World Bank and IMF forcing privatisation: new report
Privatisation imposed by the World Bank and the IMF can be harmful to the most…
Debt relief money diverted in Nicaragua
A new report shows that debt relief in Nicaragua is only partly going to poverty reduction.
IFI governance
High-level UN meeting debates IFI governance
On 14 April a high-level meeting of the UN Economic and Social Affairs Council (ECOSOC) was held with the World Bank, IMF and the WTO on "increased coherence, coordination and cooperation for the implementation of the Monterrey Consensus".
Circling the wagons: World Bank-IMF-WTO coherence
The heads of the World Bank and IMF spoke to the General Council - the highest-level decision-making body of the World Trade Organisation - on 13 May on the benefits of increasing coherence between their respective agencies. Civil society groups counter that the use of the word 'coherence' is a ruse designed to bring countries in line with a set of flawed economic policies.
Weakest link or missing link?
In April, the IMF, the World Bank and the UK government organised a two-day workshop…