Conditionality impacts



IMF embroiled in Ukraine crisis

Ukraine’s interim government concluded negotiations in late March for an IMF loan, likely to carry wide-ranging conditionality.

31 March 2014

IFI governance


Revolving doors: Portugal ex-minister appointed at the IMF

Former Portuguese finance minister, dubbed "fourth member of the Troika" appointed to head IMF fiscal affairs department.

31 March 2014



The Troika “hellhound” bites back in Greece

Troika mulls new loan while Greek government touts economic success story but economic, health and human rights conditions deteriorate. Lagarde admits “miscalculations” occurred in Greek loan, while European parliamentary committee blasts Troika as unaccountable and illegitimate.

27 February 2014



IMF conditionality and its discontents

A new study shows a significant worldwide pattern of protests targeting the IMF, reflecting the increase in IMF influence through loan programmes with austerity conditions attached and indirect pressure on governments.

23 January 2014



Grenada: IMF admits failures

IMF admits its programme in Grenada ignored vital information and was based on false assumptions, as trade unions predict damaging consequences of wage freeze.

27 February 2014



The IFIs in 2013: year in review

The Bretton Woods Project review of the most important developments at the World Bank and IMF in 2013.

8 January 2014 | Review

IFI governance


Is the European recovery finally under way?

CEPR event at the 2013 civil society forum on whether a recovery is under way in Europe; held as a debate between Prakash Loungani of the IMF's research department and Mark Weisbrot, CEPR co-director.

13 October 2013 | Minutes

IFI governance


Austerity and Inequality in Europe

Minutes from Oxfam-hosted civil society seminar at 2013 Annual meetings on European austerity and inequality

12 October 2013 | Minutes



Economic impact of IMF programmes in low-income countries: civil society forum

Notes from a civil society forum on economic impact of IMF programmes in low-income countries, 10 October 2013

10 October 2013 | Minutes



IMF & Troika: a big, fat Greek divorce?

The IMF's involvement in the Troika is again being questioned due to Greek loan unsustainability and lack of consensus amongst the Troika members, while citizens continue to challenge the conditionality of the programme.

4 October 2013