
IFI governance


IMFC communiqué analysis – Annual Meetings 2020

Analysis of the IMFC communiqué, issues on 15 October, from the 2020 World Bank and IMF virtual Annual Meetings.

21 October 2020

IFI governance


Annual Meetings 2020 Preamble: IMF and World Bank frontload austerity and privatisation in Covid-19 recovery, while the world calls for more inclusive multilateralism

As the inability of Bank and Fund to adapt their policies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic becomes more evident, hope turns to the UN system and a radical restructure of the global international financial architecture.

12 October 2020



IFC and MIGA must ‘walk the accountability walk’ on the road mapped by independent review

Implementation in full of the independent review of IFC, MIGA and CAO is essential if institutions are to meet persistent accountability and remedy gaps.

6 October 2020



Repairing harm caused: What could a reparations approach mean for the IMF and World Bank?

It is time for the IMF and World Bank to understand their own responsibility and decolonise their approach.

6 October 2020 | At Issue



Over optimistic IMF forecasts risk dire consequences for Covid-19 response

As G20 gears up to take critical decisions on international financial response to Covid-19, the consequences of overly rosy IMF forecasts are potentially more costly than ever.

6 October 2020



Civil society raises alarm about IMF’s continued backing of austerity amidst pandemic

Egypt, Ukraine, South Africa and Ecuador have recently signed IMF loan programmes that involve severe austerity measures.

6 October 2020

IFI governance


Changes at the top for IFC and its accountability mechanism

IFC and CAO will undergo changes in leadership at a pivotal time for both institutions, with merit-based selection of new leaders essential.

6 October 2020

Social services


World Bank Group’s ‘Maximizing Finance for Development’ in times of Covid-19

Notes from the virtual Civil Society Policy Forum at the 2020 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings 5 October session on the World Bank's 'Maximizing Finance for Development' and the Covid-19 response.

5 October 2020 | Minutes



Fiscal space for universal health and social protection post Covid-19 pandemic: How to prevent austerity

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum Session on 2 October.

2 October 2020 | Minutes



Tracking the trillions: Emergency funds, corruption and making the Covid-19 recovery work for all

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum at the 2020 IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings 29 September session on corruption and Covid-19 recovery.

29 September 2020 | Minutes