
IFI governance


IMF: Bigger but not much nicer

World leaders agreed at the G20 to treble the size of the IMF's resources, but critics worry about strengthening the Fund without fundamental reform of its governance and conditionality.

17 April 2009



DFID snuggling up to the Bank?

In February the UK Department for International Development (DFID) belatedly released its latest annual report on its relationship with the World Bank. This continues a tradition which sees these reports appear at irregular intervals. As with previous annual reports there is a marked absence of the critiques heard from the Banks Independent Evaluation Group, the Parliament's International Development Committee or civil society for the period reviewed.

14 April 2009

IFI governance


World Bank's planned lending splurge: Do the numbers stack up?

The first signs of a promised dramatic increase in World Bank lending are emerging, but critics continue to attack the Bank’s lending practices, including its controversial use of conditionality.

16 February 2009



Combating tax flight: ending evasion and reducing avoidance

Norway, Germany, IMF, WOrld Bank and experts discuss tackling tax evasion and capital flight.

11 October 2008 | Minutes



World Bank, NGOs clash at roundtable on odious debt

A recent roundtable meeting shows that some progress has been made in official understanding of odious debt, but that the World Bank is remaining very cautious on the topic.

26 September 2008



IMF rebukes Tajiks over false information

Tajikistan has gotten itself in hot water with the IMF over poor reporting of information while the country was borrowing money from the Fund.

1 April 2008



NGOs urge Congressional intervention on IMF gold sales

A coalition of over 70 US NGOs, including large labour unions, has written to Congress to demand that planned IMF gold sales pay for debt relief as well administrative expenses.

1 April 2008



Calls for Bank to uphold human rights

As the UN human rights council holds its seventh session in Geneva in March, a variety of recent reports calling for greater human rights accountability of the World Bank have been published.

1 April 2008



The IMF in Argentina: the search for relevance

Since Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner assumed the presidency in December the Fund has been involved with the renegotiation of Argentinean debt with the Paris Club and a controversy over official statistics.

1 April 2008



IFIs foot dragging on key debt issues

The IFIs are struggling to catch up to global debates on odious debts and responsible financing; have failed to take action on vulture funds; and have been dragging their feet on debt relief programmes for Haiti and Liberia.

1 April 2008