The World Bank Group and the IMF have become more involved in assistance to and oversight of Islamic financial institutions.
Peru to bow out, Turkey to renew?
Peru has indicated that it does not plan to renew its stand-by arrangement with the IMF when it expires next year. Turkey, the Fund’s largest borrower, is still debating is next move when its programme expires in May.
UK report on its activities at the World Bank
In late November, the UK released its third report on its relationship with the World Bank, disappointing in the coverage and depth of its analysis.
Public campaigns to reform IDA
In Europe, Asia and the United States, civil society has campaigned for reform of the World Bank through the replenishment process of the International Development Association.
Less carrot, more stick please
As negotiations close over donations to the World Bank's financing arm for low income countries, civil society groups have expressed disappointment over the failure to make progress on conditionality, debt sustainability, allocation or impact assessment.
New World Bank financing instruments
Two areas that Robert Zoellick's Bank is likely to focus on are the promotion of risk management instruments, and developing local currency bond markets.
Macroeconomic aspects of aid scaling up and the role of the Fund
Highlights of a 21 October discussion on the macroeconomics of aid scaling up at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.
Wage bill ceilings, fiscal and monetary policies and absorbing aid inflows - updates and next steps
Highlights of a 20 October discussion on the the IMF's fiscal and monetary policy advice and conditionality for low-income countries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.
IFI governance
Reuniones anuales 2007 del Banco y el Fondo
Los miembros del personal del Banco y del Fondo, los miembros de las Juntas, y los Ministros de Desarrollo y de Finanzas estarán en Washington para las reuniones anuales del 19 al 22 de octubre.
IFI governance
World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007
Members of staff of the Bank and Fund, board members, development and finance ministers will be in Washington for the annual meetings, 19 - 22 October.