


IDA grants-loans controversy ends

A deal between the US and Europe means that 18 to 21 per cent of the World Bank’s International Development Association aid will now come in the form of grants rather than loans.

24 July 2002



G8: “Absolutely zilch” for Africa

Civil society organizations were disappointed by the outcome of talks at the G8 summit in Canada on an Africa Action Plan, HIPC and education.

24 July 2002

IFI governance


IMF role in debt arbitration disputed

Ministers at the Spring Meetings agreed that the IMF should not, except in “exceptional circumstances” provide large bailouts to countries in financial crises.

8 May 2002



The Ugandan PRSP Experience

Meeting with Rick Rowden, RESULTS, 31 May 2002

8 May 2002 | Minutes



East Timor debt, adjustment fears

The first elected government in East Timor faces an estimated US $154-$184 million shortfall in its initial three-year budget.

8 May 2002



IMF in Argentina: “failed to learn the lessons of East Asia”

The number of pundits up in arms over the IMF’s handling of the crisis in Argentina continues to mount. The most recent selection includes Brazilian President, Henrique Cardoso, and ex-World Bank Chief Economist, Joseph Stiglitz.

8 May 2002



Assessment of the FfD Outcome Paper and Proposed Next Steps

In the course of the last six months, the European NGO coordination, actively comprised of over 40 European NGOs in 11 countries including 8 national networks, has made continuous steps to focus and revise NGO demands regarding the FfD process towards a realistic, achievable and meaningful political outcome.

25 March 2002



Taken for granted? US Proposals to Reform the World Bank’s IDA Examined

US debt campaigners are siding with the Bush administration against European leaders and other NGOs over a key source of finance for the world’s 79 poorest countries. Discussions on the pros and cons of providing grants instead of loans through IDA appear deadlocked (March 2002).

25 March 2002 | Briefings



Brown’s “New Deal” suggests enhanced Bank, Fund roles

Gordon Brown’s recent speeches on a “New Deal” for the global economy have been generally welcomed, especially for their suggestions that aid budgets should be increased.

5 February 2002



Standstill and insolvency: a new mechanism for the IMF?

18 December 2001 - In a surprise anouncement in late November the new number two at the IMF, Ann Krueger, has proposed that the IMF should support temporary debt standstills for indebted countries.

17 January 2002