As G20 gears up to take critical decisions on international financial response to Covid-19, the consequences of overly rosy IMF forecasts are potentially more costly than ever.

As G20 gears up to take critical decisions on international financial response to Covid-19, the consequences of overly rosy IMF forecasts are potentially more costly than ever.
The international financial system’s reliance upon credit ratings – usually based on dubious premises – needs urgent rethinking.
Notes from the virtual Civil Society Policy Forum 28 September Session at the IMF and World Bank 2020 Annual Meetings on Covid-19 and debt.
Private creditors provided with IMF backing in Argentina negotiations as country enters into default.
Argentina’s strategy to increase fossil fuel exports to ease debt burden ignores need for increased state investments and climate commitments.
25 years after Beijing Declaration, austerity and privatisation still modus operandi of Bretton Woods Institutions at the cost of women's rights.
Effectiveness of IMF’s approach questioned, as Argentina undergoes technical default.
As debt crises across the African continent continue to soar, concerns are raised about the gendered impact of debt-servicing conditions imposed by international financial institutions.
International community fails to deliver on 'Loss & Damage' while poorest countries become further indebted.
As Pakistan requests an IMF loan amid concerns about its debt sustainability, the IMF response is caught up in China-US tensions.