
Social services


World Bank’s IFC ends funding for fee-paying primary and secondary schools

Independent Evaluation Group report highlighted private sector education provision can exacerbate inequality and undermine the public sector school system.

21 July 2022

Social services


Civil society hails IFC’s divestment from for-profit education provider Bridge International Academies

The divestment follows a 2020 freeze in new IFC direct and indirect investments in for-profit education providers.

6 April 2022



Will IMF policy advice align with new UNESCO Declaration on education finance?

IMF advice makes it challenging for countries to achieve education finance goals agreed at UN declaration.

9 December 2021

Social services


IMF rhetoric and practice on public sector wage constraints: Advice to slash spending continues despite Covid-19 pandemic

Forthcoming research from ActionAid International shows IMF’s dogmatic support for public sector wage bill cuts continues.

29 September 2021 | Guest analysis

Social services


Education financing to reach the most marginalised: Challenges and solutions during COVID-19 response and recovery

Notes from the virtual Civil Society Policy Forum session on 31 March 2021.

31 March 2021 | Minutes

Social services


World Bank loan to India promotes private sector in education as millions of children out of school

World Bank Indian education loan causes controversy over private sector provisions.

6 October 2020



Fiscal space for universal health and social protection post Covid-19 pandemic: How to prevent austerity

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum Session on 2 October.

2 October 2020 | Minutes
Kasimba Prinary School, Mpanda District, Katavi Region, Tanzania. August 2019.

Social services


The World Bank, Covid-19 and public education: two steps forward one step back

World Bank’s new report on education and Covid-19 contrasts with IFC announcement on freezing private school investments.

16 July 2020

Social services


CSOs urge IFC to divest from for-profit school chain

CSOs urge investors to divest from private school provider Bridge International Academies; IFC remains investor, despite WDR’s concerns with private education.

27 March 2018

Social services


A critical analysis of the World Bank's World Development Report on education

While the World Development Report (WDR) 2018 on education has some redeeming features, it is part of the Bank's longstanding very narrow view of education, and is silent on education financing.

30 November 2017 | At Issue