The crisis in Argentina deepened in March after three ministers, including the Education and Economy Ministers, resigned after the government agreed a new austerity programme with the IMF.
Social services
Child poverty, development targets debated
A conference on child poverty called by British Chancellor Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for International Development Clare Short received strong support from participants including non-governmental organisations.
Health policy attacked
The People’s Health Conference 2000 criticized the World Bank’s health policies for being “anti-Third World”.
US rejects user fees
The US government has been forced to adopt legislation requiring it to oppose IMF and WB loans, which contain conditions for the imposition of user fees for primary education or primary health care.
Oxfam report on poverty targets
Missing the Target reviews progress towards the international development targets for 2015, highlighting the danger that none of the targets will be met.
US Congress rules against user fees
In July, the United States Congress passed legislation aiming to bar the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank from imposing “user fees” on primary health care and education on poor countries.
Social services
Education Lending Criticised
At the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal in April, the World Bank announced that it plans to spend more on education.
Confronting Gender Inequities and Political Disempowerment
The Women’s Eyes campaign was launched by women’s movements and NGOs to monitor World Bank progress in bringing its lending operations in line with the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women Beijing Women’s Summit in 1995.
Social services
Education Now
Oxfam International (OI) has launched a new campaign, Education Now: Break the Cycle of Poverty, calling for high-quality universal primary education by 2015.
Social services
Social policy limitations
Bob Deacon, Director of the Globalization and Social Policy Programme (based in Sheffield and Helsinki) criticised the World Bank’s stand on social policy at a recent Overseas Development Institute discussion meeting in London.