This session gave an overview on the links between private sector and healthcare provision in tackling poverty.
Bending the arc of poverty
The session focused on the World Bank's development strategy, poverty eradication goals, global inequality, and the threat of climate change.
The challenges of advancing sustainability at the World Bank
This panel discussion reflected on the major sustainability challenges facing the World Bank through exploring two World Resources Institute areas - a portfolio analysis on 2012 projects, and the interaction between country systems and World Bank safeguard approaches.
IFI governance
From the Arab revolutions to global austerity trends
This session examined issues thrown up by the Arab revolutions, including the fiscal, monetary, tax and investment policies being considered by governments facilitating, or hindering countries in the Arab and other regions in building an inclusive economy and supporting socioeconomic recovery, the impact on public expenditure for the strengthening of education, health, and other social sectors as well as the management of chronic and high unemployment and high food and fuel prices.
World Bank executive directors roundtable with CSOs
Minutes of an open roundtable with EDs that occurred during the 2013 spring meetings.
IFC invests in Kenyan private international school
The International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank) in mid-March proposed a $7 million investment in Kenyan private education firm, Brookhouse Schools Limited.
Social services
IFC education funds bypassing the poor
A new study by Karen Mundy and Francine Menashy of the University of Toronto reveals that the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) education funding pays limited attention to poverty and distributional issues.
Notes of meeting between UK Executive Director to World Bank Susanna Moorehead and UK civil society
Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank Susanna Moorehead and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss IDA, education finance, infrastructure finance, fragile states, agriculture and land, Doing Business rankings, Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia.
IFC "needs to try harder" on development
NGOs continue to find that the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's private sector arm, is off track in reducing poverty and promoting development, with concerns that the IFC development goals to be implemented in July will not help the poorest.
A Global Shared Societies Agenda
Minutes meeting for A Global Shared Societies Agenda