In August, representatives of social movements, national alliances and civil society organisations met in New Delhi and issued a statement explicitly rejecting the Bank's strategy for India.
Knowledge Bank evaluation criticises “reluctance to consider alternatives”
An official review has echoed many external criticisms of the World Bank's knowledge roles, but has buried some of the most important feedback from officials and researchers in the South. A recent study by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department found significant problems with the Bank's self-appointed role as guardian and dissseminator of the world's development knowledge, but produced only extremely bureaucratic conclusions which do not match the degree or nature of the concerns expr
Social services
Unions, NGOs react to report on services
Union and NGO commentators believe the World Development Report on services contains an underlying bias towards private provision rather than public reform.
Social services
Short gives evidence on World Bank to UK parliamentarians
MPs on the International Development Select Committee questioned Clare Short on: debt, PRSPs, PSIA, Bank governance, social and environmental policies, privatisation of services, education and trade capacity building.
Social services
EU should hand over education funds to WB
The GCE held a meeting 29 May in Brussels on the role of the EU in delivering the international education goals, bringing together Education Ministers from Niger, Guatemala and Bangladesh, civil society representatives and donors.
On the road to “Qatar-naskis”
G8 leaders put terrorism, NEPAD and education on the agenda for the June summit in Western Canada. Activists organize a parallel summit in Calgary and a “solidarity village” in Kananaskis. Meanwhile, African NGOs criticize NEPAD as a re-hashing of neo-liberalism.
Bank plans private sector shake-up
In February the World Bank’s Board will consider a new Private Sector Development Strategy.
Critics respond to Bank demands
The World Bank and anti-globalisation activists have now traded three rounds of demands and counter-demands since September this year.
Social services
World Bank rethinks higher education
The World Bank sent a delegation to UNESCO’s conference on higher education in Paris in October, led by Maris O’Rouke, Director of the Human Development Network Education Group.
Social services
Tanzanian user-fees concern
In 2000 the US Congress passed a law requiring the government to oppose loans that includes user fees for basic health or education services.