


Camisea and the World Bank: A lost opportunity to make things better

Several weeks ago the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank approved a loan for Camisea II in Peru, the project to export liquefied natural gas. Even though concerns had been raised about this project over environmental, social and now economic issues, the IFC did not hesitate to provide a loan for the Lot 56 consortium operated by Hunt Oil (Peru NLG).

1 April 2008 | Guest comment



Venezuela v. Exxon back to ICSID?

Venezuela has asked Exxon Mobil to go back to the World Bank's International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, and drop lawsuits filed in other courts in London and New York.

1 April 2008



Parliamentary committee scolds DFID for its World Bank infatuation

The UK's International Development Committee has sharply reprimanded the Department for International Development for its decision to hand over a fifty per cent increase in funding for the World Bank without sufficient analysis of whether or not this is good value for money.

5 March 2008



Highlights of BWI-UK network meeting with Caroline Sergeant, 7 February 2008

Highlights of NGO meeting with alternative executive director to the World Bank, Caroline Sergeant

18 February 2008 | Minutes



Is the Bank's carbon markets approach an effective way to address climate change?

The World Bank's involvement in the carbon market is under hot debate: Janet Redman from the Institute for Policy Studies opposes its approach while Jon Sohn, from Climate Change Capital argues that there is a role for the Bank to play.

4 February 2008 | At Issue



World Bank and power

Calls for the Bank to end its lending for fossil fuels have increased in the aftermath of the 13th conference of the parties of the UN framework convention on climate change in Bali but the Bank has continued to push oil, gas and coal operations.

1 February 2008



UK report on its activities at the World Bank

In late November, the UK released its third report on its relationship with the World Bank, disappointing in the coverage and depth of its analysis.

14 December 2007



Climate contradictions: World Bank sets up shop in Bali

The key role that the World Bank is preparing to play in December's international climate change conference in Bali sits uncomfortably with its continued commitment to fossil fuel funding and failure to make a meaningful shift in its energy lending

4 December 2007



Public campaigns to reform IDA

In Europe, Asia and the United States, civil society has campaigned for reform of the World Bank through the replenishment process of the International Development Association.

4 December 2007



Ecuador withdraws from ICSID?

Ecuador intends to prevent oil and mining disputes from going to the Bank's International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes.

4 December 2007