


World Bank increases extractives lending despite human rights abuses

Civil society groups have accused the World Bank of failing to foresee or respond to human rights abuses in the Bank-sponsored Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline in the Caucasus and Turkey, just as the Bank announces a boost in investments in extractive industries.

5 April 2011



Unprecedented ruling on IFC immunity

Ghana's Supreme Court ruled in January that the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Bank's private sector lending arm, is not immune from legal action in the country.

17 February 2011


IFC ignores rights in the Philippines?

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's private sector lending arm, has been accused of neglecting the rights of indigenous people in the Philippines.

17 February 2011



National responses to World Bank's energy strategy review

An October report by UK NGO Christian Aid, Energy for our common future, brings together responses by civil society groups in India, Bolivia, Peru and South Africa to the World Bank's energy strategy review.

29 November 2010



Energy, Poverty, Sustainability and Climate Change

Minutes of a seminar at the 2010 annual meetings, 8 October 2010

12 October 2010 | Minutes



Meeting on the World Bank between DFID and UK NGOs

Notes of a meeting between UK civil society and DFID staff.

4 October 2010 | Minutes



Undermining development? IFIs' role in extractive industries in disarray

Ongoing mining projects’ impacts on rights, gender and the environment suggest a new approach to the sector is needed, as the IMF and World Bank dole out contradictory advice on mining revenues.

30 September 2010



World Bank coal lending up amid energy furore

Energy policy at the World Bank remains controversial, with escalating lending to coal projects and a delay to the energy strategy review. Past Bank-financed energy projects in Ghana and Albania are also proving problematic.

30 September 2010



Gender-blindness and conditionality cast shadow over record World Bank lending

New evidence of worsening gender performance and persistent conditionality has led critics to ask if the Bank is fit for purpose.

30 September 2010



Eskom loan blackens the World Bank's name

The World Bank, Business Unity South Africa and the African National Congress got their way with a major loan for Eskom, the national power authority, despite broad based opposition from local people, the poor, community organisations, the churches, unions, and environmental and social justice NGOs locally and globally.

16 April 2010 | Guest comment