


Congolese groups unite to demand scrutiny of forest policies

NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo have allied to challenge industrial logging in their country's rainforests. In February they appealed to the World Bank and other agencies to halt a plan which would make up to 60 million hectares of rainforest available to logging companies in the coming years.

5 April 2004



World Bank rewards Cambodian government despite forest mismanagement

Despite its failure to improve forest management, the World Bank has released further funding to the Cambodian government. NGOs argue that this shows that the Bank is not serious about social and environmental issues. The Bank's anti-corruption credentials are also in doubt as it has awarded a contract for forest monitoring to a company with convictions for bribery.

16 January 2004



Activists oppose Bank ‘clean development’ credits for Brazilian forest plantation

One of the first pilot projects using the World Bank's climate change carbon trading programmes has come under fire from local groups for endorsing destructive tree plantations.

21 July 2003



Bank in the middle of Cambodia, PNG forestry battles

Civil society groups in Cambodia and Papua New Guinea call on the Bank to exert its influence to curb violations of forestry codes.

31 March 2003



Cambodian catch-22

The World Bank is considering withholding funds from Cambodia in response to government moves against Global Witness, an independent monitor of the forestry sector.

28 January 2003



Romania forestry program criticised

In December the CEE Bankwatch Network asked the Bank’s Board to delay approval of the Romania Forest Development Program.

28 January 2003



Indigenous groups angered by Bank policy decisions

Indigenous peoples and NGOs supporting them have released angry statements about the World Bank’s indigenous peoples and forests policies.

26 November 2002



Update on key World Bank policies

The World Bank is in the process of “reformatting” a wide range of its key safeguard policies.

17 September 2002



Bank not responsible for “evident harm”

A Papuan NGO, the Center for Environmental Law and Community Rights, attempted to halt the release of a $17 million World Bank loan, claiming that the PNG government had failed to stop illegal logging and road construction, and that the Bank had failed to supervise compliance with the conditionalities.

24 July 2002



Forest Policy "fails to address deforestation"

NGOs working on forest issues have charged that the Bank's revised draft Forest Strategy ignores advice given by both civil society and the Bank’s own Technical Advisory Group.

24 July 2002