


REDD and the rights of Indigenous Peoples

One of the most contentious issues under discussion in current climate change debates is how to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) by ensuring protection of the world's rainforests. Mrinalini Rai of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change argues that this initiative, heavily backed by the World Bank among others, raises questions about how to ensure fair compensation to those developing countries that undertake a commitment to such reductions.

17 April 2009 | At Issue



FCPF still lacks safeguards and participation

In mid March the committee of participants for the Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF)met. The Bank Information Center expressed concerns that FCPF process is occurring "without any significant participation by indigenous peoples or civil society".

17 April 2009



Inadequate implementation of IFC standards

Two new resources have been released by the Forest Peoples Programme.

27 November 2008



Carbon Finance and the World Bank

World Bank funding of carbon financing

31 October 2008 | Minutes

IFI governance


UK NGO meeting with the Secretary of State for International Development, on the World Bank

Summary of meeting: the main agenda items were (1) World Bank governance; and (2) Climate change.

30 September 2008 | Minutes



'No regrets': The World Bank and climate change

The World Bank has just finished consultations on a new strategic framework for its climate change work, which has one common thread: a massively increased role for the Bank. Yet there is little reflection on the reasons why the Bank's record in this area is so poor, as detailed by a number of recent reports.

29 September 2008



Bank pushes ahead on forest carbon market

In July, the Bank named the first 14 countries for the controversial Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

29 September 2008



Camisea and the World Bank: A lost opportunity to make things better

Several weeks ago the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank approved a loan for Camisea II in Peru, the project to export liquefied natural gas. Even though concerns had been raised about this project over environmental, social and now economic issues, the IFC did not hesitate to provide a loan for the Lot 56 consortium operated by Hunt Oil (Peru NLG).

1 April 2008 | Guest comment



Forest carbon facility: "more harm than good"?

As details emerge of the World Bank's new facility to pay countries for preventing deforestation, concerns about its operations and governance mount.

1 April 2008



Slaughtering the Amazon

A new report finds the World Bank culpable for the cattle industry's encroachment on the Amazon.

1 April 2008