
Social services


World Bank's privatisation approach to social services fails to deliver

While the Bank is developing a new social protection and labour strategy, its approach to health and continuing push for privatisation of public services have come under fire again.

5 April 2011



World Bank launches new Africa strategy

In March, the World Bank launched its new Africa strategy, outlining three main areas in which it will focus its operations: competitiveness and employment, vulnerability and resilience of citizens, and governance and public sector capacity.

5 April 2011

Social services


World Bank sexual health investment falls short

The World Bank's Reproductive Health and Action Plan: 2010-2015, which was released in April 2010 recognises that "women's full and equal participation in the development process is contingent on accessing essential [reproductive health] services."

17 February 2011



IMF serious about measuring conditionality impacts?

More criticism emerged of IMF programmes as it begins the process of another conditionality review. Political upheaval in Ireland and continued protests in Greece are focussing attention on the IMF's controversial economic policy advice.

17 February 2011



Submission to the International Development Committee of the UK parliament: inquiry into the World B

The UK should not increase its contribution to IDA in the current replenishment. Instead, it should focus on achieving substantial reforms of the World Bank and IFC in key areas, including health, gender, climate and energy, and the private sector, and in radically improving the legitimacy, transparency and accountability of the institution.

19 October 2010 | Paper



Meeting on the World Bank between DFID and UK NGOs

Notes of a meeting between UK civil society and DFID staff.

4 October 2010 | Minutes



UK reviews World Bank, multilateral aid

In June the new UK coalition government announced a hasty review of its funding to multilaterals, including the World Bank Group.

30 September 2010



Submission on the World Bank and IFC to DFID's multilateral aid review

As the UK government reviews its funding and relationships with multilateral organisations, we argue that the World Bank Group's poor performance, lack of country ownership and accountability, and tendency to 'mission creep', require a focus on institutional and policy change at the Bank, and no increase in funding.

2 September 2010 | Briefings

Social services


Social insecurity

This paper aims to raise awareness of private financial institutions' influence on healthcare and pensions in developing countries.

16 July 2010 | Reports



World Bank fails to focus on results in health

A newly published report adds to mounting criticism of the World Bank’s approach to health projects.

18 June 2010