Human rights activists in Andhra Pradesh have strongly objected to World Bank plans for a new economic reform loan to the state government.
Human rights
Knowledge Bank evaluation criticises “reluctance to consider alternatives”
An official review has echoed many external criticisms of the World Bank's knowledge roles, but has buried some of the most important feedback from officials and researchers in the South. A recent study by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department found significant problems with the Bank's self-appointed role as guardian and dissseminator of the world's development knowledge, but produced only extremely bureaucratic conclusions which do not match the degree or nature of the concerns expr
Governance & Police impunity in Andhra Pradesh
Statement by two Indian human rights group urging the World Bank not to approve a major loan to the state of Andra Pradesh on 16 December. The statement outlines many problems with human rights and governance in the state and argues that a loan at this time of crisis and instability would embolden the government to continue with its repressive policies, while civil society groups would not be in a position to criticise improper utilization of the loans.
UK MPs support Bushmen
A motion signed by 42 MPs urges the UK government to encourage Botswana to respect the rights of Botswana's Bushmen.
IFC boss makes human rights pledge
Human rights issues will be a part of project and company assessment, says the head of the World Bank arm which provides finance to private companies.
Chadians "mourn" while World Bank and oil companies celebrate pipeline
The coalition of Human Rights Associations in Chad has called for a national day of mourning on October 10, the date of the official inauguration of the Chad Cameroon Oil Pipeline.
World Bank announces renewed big infrastructure push
The World Bank President has pledged that the Bank will revive its support for megaprojects and a new report expresses serious concerns about the Bank's track record in this area.
Campaigners challenge legal basis of Baku-Ceyhan pipeline
Just after key project documents were released in June campaigners in Georgia and the UK filed legal challenges to the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline, raising awkward questions for the World Bank Group and other potential financiers.
Le projet pétrolier Tchad-Cameroun: leçons préliminaires
Le projet p
A human rights-based approach to PRSPs
A new report by the UN High Commission for Human Rights outlines guidelines for the implementation of a human rights-based approach to PRSPs.