In April World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said that the Bank shares the concerns "about the risks associated with large-scale land acquisitions" and that "additional efforts must be made to build capacity and safeguards related to land rights".
Land grabs
Ethiopia refuses Inspection Panel investigation
Ethiopia has said that it will not cooperate in a proposed investigation by the World Bank's accountability mechanism, the Inspection Panel (IP), into a programme linked to the Bank that according to the indigenous peoples filing the complaint led to "forced villagisation".
Resettlement concerns in China
Tens of thousands of people in China are facing resettlement as a result of flood management, lake basin and urban infrastructure projects approved for World Bank funding in late March.
Growing Africa?
The Bank's continued enthusiasm for agribusiness was evident in its March report, Growing Africa, which highlighted the potential of the African agriculture sector, currently valued at $313 billion a year, to triple if governments and business leaders engage in radical policy reform and generate public private partnerships.
IFC Honduran client linked to death squads
The International Finance Corporation (IFC, the Bank's private sector arm) loan to Honduran palm oil producer Corporaci
UK Civil Society Meeting with Minister of State Rt Hon Alan Duncan MP
This was a meeting on 1 October 2012, between the Minister of State of the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and civil society representatives, focusing on the World Bank.
Call for freeze on World Bank 'land grabs'
As Oxfam called on the World Bank to freeze large scale land acquisitions, the Bank's new agriculture strategy remained under wrap. Concerns have also been raised about ongoing initiatives on 'climate-smart agriculture' and the development of Doing Business in Agriculture.
IFI governance
World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2012
Analysis, news, and about the events inside and around the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2012. This page is being updated regularly.
Halting the global land rush: protecting land rights and promoting food security
This event discussed how to invest in agriculture in a responsible way, including research on the scale of the global rush for land, and explored potential solutions to the problem, including the role that the World Bank can and must play.
Notes of meeting between UK Executive Director to World Bank Susanna Moorehead and UK civil society
Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank Susanna Moorehead and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss IDA, education finance, infrastructure finance, fragile states, agriculture and land, Doing Business rankings, Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia.