Land grabs



New claims of rights abuses in World Bank-funded 'land grabs'

As the World Bank held its Annual Conference on Land and Poverty in April, campaigners accused it once again of facilitating and legitimising 'land grabs' that harm local communities.

3 July 2012



Accountability squandered?

Despite a 2011 victory in Cambodia, where a mass eviction in the centre of Phnom Penh was halted and remaining affected families finally gained legal title to the land they had been wrongly denied under a World Bank project, recent arrests have put justice in jeopardy and led to calls for a continued lending freeze by the Bank.

22 June 2012 | Guest comment



World Bank's land policies under fire

In February about 200 people from across Asia demonstrated outside the World Bank office in Bangkok to highlight the failure of the Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI) principles, co-authored by the Bank, to protect small farmers

5 April 2012



Notes of meeting between Stewart James, Alternate UK Executive Director to the World Bank, and NGOs

Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss agriculture, land grabs, food security, the safeguards review process, the selection of the next World Bank president, the doing business indicators, and the debt sustainability framework.

13 March 2012 | Minutes



Harvesting controversy

While the Bank prepares to revise its agriculture strategy, its focus on market liberalisation is criticised, its own complaints bodies issue damning reports on agriculture projects in Peru and Papua New Guinea, and critics fault its gender focus.

7 February 2012



Safeguards and climate finance in Indonesia in the context of REDD+

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 23, 2011

26 September 2011 | Minutes



Community files complaint against IFC in Papua New Guinea

The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's private sector arm, has accepted a complaint by local communities in Papua New Guinea referring to the IFC's role in advising the government on drawing up laws for special economic zones (SEZs).

23 September 2011



World Bank policies "enabling" African land grab

New research claims World Bank Group's policies facilitate land grabs in Africa and favour the interests of financial markets over food security and environmental protection.

14 September 2011



World Bank's Africa strategy remains rutted in comfort zone

A critical analysis of the World Bank's new strategy for Africa

14 June 2011 | Guest comment



Unease over Bank approach to global food crisis

NGO criticism of the World Bank's market-based approach to the global food crisis, particularly with regard to foreign agricultural investment, increased in recent months, while the Bank reiterated its existing position in April meetings.

13 June 2011