The World Bank released a first draft of its latest World Development Report on 'agriculture for development' on 9 April.
Land grabs
IFI governance
Bank failed to apply safeguards in DRC: Inspection Panel
A preliminary investigation by the Inspection Panel has reveled serious concerns about Bank programmes to develop the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Early repayment by paper firm relieves culpability for violence, says IFC
The International Finance Corporation has washed its hands of a violent eviction carried out by the Brazilian federal police in January on behalf of the pulp and paper company Aracruz Cellulose.
Social services
Contradictions in the World Banks India Country Assistance Strategy
In August, representatives of social movements, national alliances and civil society organisations met in New Delhi and issued a statement explicitly rejecting the Bank's strategy for India.
IFC decision pending on controversial Haiti free trade zone
The Board of the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank’s private-sector arm, is in the final stages of approval for a loan for development of the first of a series of proposed free trade zones along the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Bank timid steps on land reform
The World Bank’s Land Policy department is preparing a Policy Research Report on land reform, which NGOs criticise for too heavily favouring a market-assisted approach.
WB land reform: “land for whoever can buy it”
Social activists, academics and researchers from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, South Africa and Thailand gathered prior to the Spring Meetings to condemn the land reform policies driven by the World Bank and IMF for driving many families into poverty and increasing indebtedness.
Success of Brazilian land reform contested
Brazil is clearly a controversial illustration of World Bank land reform policy.
World Bank land reform strategy disputed
A new report from US campaign group Food First assesses the World Bank’s approach to land reform.
Kyrgyzstan land moratorium lifted
The five-year moratorium on the sale and purchase of land in Kyrgyzstan will be lifted.