The IMF and World Bank-endorsed 20 year spending freeze in Brazil disproportionately impacts women and other marginalised groups, despite less harmful alternatives being available

The IMF and World Bank-endorsed 20 year spending freeze in Brazil disproportionately impacts women and other marginalised groups, despite less harmful alternatives being available
The World Bank’s report on public spending in Brazil raises serious questions about the methodology used and relevance of the report’s focus on fiscal consolidation in light of its own admission that the deterioration of Brazil’s fiscal situation is due principally to the recession.
Miriam Brett will manage BWP's work on areas relating to international development finance, with a focus on macroeconomic scrutiny of the IMF
The Bretton Woods Project publishes edited volume on the impacts of IMF macroeconomic policies on women's rights and gender equality.
The Bretton Woods Project published an edited volume on the gendered impacts of some of the most commonly-prescribed macroeconomic policies of the IMF, covering tax, expenditure and labour policies.
BWP briefing explores gender dimensions of IMF’s key fiscal policy advice on expenditure policy in developing countries, focusing in particular on austerity measures.
The IMF's recognition of the importance of inequality is under threat. Concerns have been raised about complacency and even the reversal of the IMF's recent progress on inequality, while IMF staff continue to operationalise new policy advice on inequality in surveillance and lending programmes.
In-house IMF magazine article provokes worldwide reaction as it questions IMF’s policy assumptions on austerity, capital controls and ‘neoliberalism’ itself; but Fund backtracks following media criticism
Peruvian CSOs have raised concerns about the development of Peru's Country Partnership Framework in an open letter to the World Bank.
Notes from a side event at the IMF/World Bank 2016 annual meetings discussing how financial globalisation can allow crises to spread far more quickly and widely than ever before.