Poverty analysis



Frameworks to support IMF policy advice to low-income countries

This event examined financial Sector Surveillance in Low Income Countries - Financial Deepening and Macro-stability Financial Deepening and Macro-Stability

18 April 2013 | Minutes



New World Bank strategy accused of being "unambitious" and "cosmetic"

World Bank president Jim Yong Kim's new overarching strategy on ending absolute poverty and creating shared prosperity elicits criticism for ineffectively tackling inequality and sustainability.

8 April 2013



Talks on Egypt's IMF loan "still ongoing"

Negotiations on a $4.8 billion IMF loan to Egypt (see Update 83) remain stalled, although Finance Minsiter, Morsy Hegazy reiterated in January that talks are "still ongoing".

13 February 2013

IFI governance


World Bank's safeguards review extended

The first phase of the Bank's safeguard review has been extended to mid-April with global consultations planned, including on seven emerging areas.

12 February 2013



A forest of failures

A leaked copy of an evaluation of the Bank's forest strategy criticises the Bank's failure to address social and environmental goals. Further criticism has also been raised over the Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF).

12 February 2013



Bank to review its country classifications

In response to China and India's graduation from low-income country (LIC) to middle-income country status (MIC), the Bank has decided to review its country classification system.

6 December 2012



Kim's World Bank strategy: real change or "PR exercise"?

The World Bank's new president Jim Yong Kim set out his vision for the institution at the Bank's annual meetings in mid October, but his desire to build a 'solutions' bank and end absolute poverty comes with few details or big changes at the Bank. Next year's replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA) will put Kim's vision to the test.

6 December 2012



A Global Shared Societies Agenda

Minutes meeting for A Global Shared Societies Agenda

23 April 2012 | Minutes



World Bank views on poverty "econocentric"

As the World Bank released its latest global poverty estimates, critics warn of the data's shortcomings and how it compromises the understanding of the issue.

5 April 2012



Little currency for global money?

While the G20 postponed decisions on issuing new special drawing rights (SDRs), the IMF-managed international reserve asset, the IMF completed its surveillance review and a new Fund report tackled the thorny issue of global imbalances.

18 November 2011