


World Bank's $1 billion loan to South Africa risks undermining just transition by doubling down on 'de-risking' private capital

Despite the Just Energy Transition Partnership's failure to attract private investments in South Africa, the World Bank is doubling down on a private sector led approach to the green transition through $1 billion loan contingent on the separation of Eskom’s activities.

3 July 2024



A proposal for Ajay: No evolution without remedy

While World Bank President declares the benefits of a “bigger and better” Bank, the scandal of alleged child sexual abuse and cover up relating to IFC investments in Bridge Academies demonstrates the urgent need for the Bank to establish a robust remedy framework.

13 December 2023

Private Sector


World Bank embarks on pilot phase of Business Ready Project, disregarding civil society concerns

B-READY pilot 1 covering 51 countries is released, ignoring CSO concerns about the project’s flawed “private-sector first” agenda.

9 April 2024

Social services


Civil society calls to move away from PPPs grow, while World Bank doubles down on private finance-led approach

Civil society ramps up calls to move away from public-private partnerships (PPPs) with Santiago Declaration for Public Services. 

5 April 2023
Tunisians demonstrate for peace, freedom of speech and for a secular state ahead of elections for a Constituent Assembly on 23 October 2011, following the Tunisian Revolution. Credit: European Parliament



The IMF and World Bank talk good governance, but walk with state- capturers

From South Africa to Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, the Bank and Fund have demonstrated they are not appropriate allies to address the scale of the crisis the world is facing, especially, given their record.

4 October 2023 | At Issue



Resilience and Sustainability Trust’s first loans promote climate PPPs, raising concerns they may create fiscal risks

Initial financing for Costa Rica, Barbados, Rwanda, Bangladesh and Jamaica tied to efforts to ‘green’ PPP frameworks.

5 April 2023



MIGA’s support for gas projects raises concerns about its climate credentials

World Bank’s commercial insurance arm provided nearly $850 million in guarantees for gas projects in Bangladesh and Mozambique in fiscal year 2022.

5 April 2023

Social services


World Bank issues new guidance on PPPs legal frameworks, ignoring long-standing concerns with the model

New World Bank guidance on PPP legal frameworks evidence of institution’s continued reliance on PPPs as key to addressing SDG financing gap despite well-documented failures. Previous World Bank PPP contracts template criticised for incompatibility with human rights norms.

4 October 2022

Social services


Global Day of Action against the IMF and World Bank rejects corporate recovery agenda

Civil society day of action rejects corporate agenda and greenwashing in World Bank and IMF Covid-19 recovery.

9 December 2021



Civil society frustrated by lack of substantive engagement in IDA20 replenishment process

Private sector first approach intact in IDA20 replenishment despite CSO recommendations.

9 December 2021