

Activists torpedo IMF deal in Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s caretaker government, which has been in power since a political crisis over elections in late 2006, has faced controversy over its negotiations with the IMF for a new programme following the end of Bangladesh’s PRGF in June.

5 October 2007

IFI governance


Highlights of BWI-UK / UKAN Workshop: The roles of the IFIs in low-income countries

Highlights/summary of outcomes for the 1 May 2007 BWI-UK / UKAN Workshop: The roles of the IFIs in low-income countries

9 May 2007 | Minutes



IMF macroeconomic policies and the impacts on education budgets and teacher wages

IMF civil society dialogue, spring meetings 2007 (14 April 2007)

27 April 2007 | Minutes



IEO Evaluation of the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

Civil society dialogue, spring meetings 2007 (12 April 2007) on the IEO Evaluation of the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

27 April 2007 | Minutes



Workshop on aid and the roles of the World Bank and IMF in low-income countries

To date there have been gaps in the thinking and policy lines of UK NGOs on several key questions in relation to low-income countries, multilateral institutions and development. The 1 May 2007 workshop will bring the BWI-UK and UKAN networks together to address the following four questions, with a view to coordinating policy and advocacy positions: 1. What role do/should the IMF and World Bank be playing in the evolving international aid architecture? 2. Should the IMF be providing dev

25 April 2007



Sub-Saharan Africa: Outlook and Challenges

Sub-Saharan Africa: Outlook and Challenges; IMF-civil society dialogue, 13 April 2007

19 April 2007 | Minutes



Ortega opts for new PRGF for Nicaragua

Newly elected Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista party are presenting two different faces to the IMF.

31 January 2007



Reading from the script

The decisions by Ghana and Tanzania to use the Policy Support Instrument (PSI) reflect the IMF’s success in convincing countries to accept conditionality without any financing, despite the evidence from Uganda and elsewhere that PSI conditions are numerous and will be enforced.

31 January 2007

IFI governance


The IMF programme cycle

The IMF has regular, systematic engagement with government representatives at many levels. Implementation of the IMF’s programme cycle varies from one country to the next, depending on the situation and need of the country in question. The nature of the programme cycle is highlighted by looking at the cases of Uruguay and Mozambique.

31 January 2007 | Inside the institutions



Night and day: reviews highlight contrary views on World Bank use of conditionality

Internal reviews find that the World Bank is "broadly following" new good practice principles on the use of conditionality in adjustment lending, and support the continued "judicious use" of conditions in investment lending. Meanwhile critics grow increasingly frustrated with the conditionality status quo, leading NGO Christian Aid to call for an end to UK financial support for the Bank and Fund.

11 September 2006