Spring/Annual meetings

IFI governance


Results, governance and trade: what’s new from Spring Meetings 2003?

The two major items on the agenda for the ministers gathering at the Development Committee in Washington this week met with mixed receptions.

14 April 2003

IFI governance


Bank/Fund spring meetings schedule

Bank/Fund spring meetings schedule

1 April 2003

IFI governance


Window of opportunity on IFI governance

Discussion of the key issues to be raised when the Development Committee discusses reforms to the governance structure of the IFIs at the Spring Meetings this April.

28 January 2003 | Briefings

IFI governance


Topic: UK policy and advocacy

This page contains a guide to key documents which outline UK policy in the World Bank and IMF.

20 November 2002 | Call for action

IFI governance


WB/IMF Annual Meetings 2002

Latest report from Washington

20 September 2002

IFI governance


WB/IMF Annual Meetings 2002

Latest report from Washington

1 September 2002

IFI governance


WB IMF Spring Meetings 2002

The IMF and World Bank Spring meetings covered a range of issues from education to international insolvency mechanisms.

25 May 2002

IFI governance


IMF role in debt arbitration disputed

Ministers at the Spring Meetings agreed that the IMF should not, except in “exceptional circumstances” provide large bailouts to countries in financial crises.

8 May 2002

IFI governance


IDA controversy continues

The controversy over refinancing the World Bank’s IDA arm was not resolved at the Bank/Fund Spring Meetings.

8 May 2002

IFI governance


Bank/Fund Spring meetings schedule

The World Bank/IMF Spring meetings are taking place in Washington DC on 20-21 April.

25 March 2002 | Call for action