The World Bank/IMF Spring meetings are taking place in Washington DC on 20-21 April.
Spring/Annual meetings
IFI governance
World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings 2001
The Bretton Woods Project website will feature summaries and analysis of issues and background papers in preparation for and during the annual meetings.
Go with the flows?
A meeting, organised by Bretton Woods Project and Heinrich B
Adjustment Directive consultation process still unknown
During the Spring Meetings NGOs had a disappointing meeting with Joanne Salop, Vice President for Operations Policy and Strategy.
Analysing poverty impacts
At their Spring Meetings the IMF and World Bank outlined plans to carry out social impact analyses when designing macroeconomic and structural reforms.
IFI governance
World Bank intensifies trade work, but cancels conference
The World Bank has pledged to “intensify its trade-related activities” by increasing its research, training and advocacy at global and country levels.
Financial crises and global slowdown capture IMF-World Bank spring meetings agenda
The global economic slowdown and donor countries’ differing views on what to do about it, pushed issues related to the world’s poorest nations to the sidelines of public debate on this year’s spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank.
Social services
The World Bank’s global public goods agenda: good for whom?
Prepared for the World Bank-IMF Spring meetings 2001, a short analysis of the World Bank’s understanding of the global public goods and which areas it plans to concentrate on.
Bank proposes World Commission on Mining
Bank president James Wolfensohn surprised NGOs at the annual meetings by suggesting that he would consider establishing a new world commission to look into concerns about the oil, gas and mining industries.
IFI governance
Reform of IMF governance now on the agenda?
At the Annual Meetings South African Finance Minister, Trevor Manuel, demanded a more powerful voice for developing countries.