A January IMF working paper has accused the US of "fiscal profligacy".
Trade-finance coherence
UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines
Notes of a meeting with UK executive director to the World Bank Gwen Hines in December 2012
World Bank on jobs: "a race to the bottom"?
Two October World Bank reports reveal a contradictory message for developing countries' labour markets.
Doing business report rankings
This session will bring together experts from labour, development and business organizations to highlight issues and perspectives that need to be part of the review of these influential rankings.
IFC supporting food speculation?
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Bank's private sector arm, has attracted criticism for its purchase of a 6 per cent stake in Armajaro Trading, a London-based commodity trading house founded by controversial hedge fund trader, Anthony Ward.
Little currency for global money?
While the G20 postponed decisions on issuing new special drawing rights (SDRs), the IMF-managed international reserve asset, the IMF completed its surveillance review and a new Fund report tackled the thorny issue of global imbalances.
Community files complaint against IFC in Papua New Guinea
The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's private sector arm, has accepted a complaint by local communities in Papua New Guinea referring to the IFC's role in advising the government on drawing up laws for special economic zones (SEZs).
Industrial policy: World Bank turning the corner?
Over the past year, World Bank chief economist Justin Lin has tried to reopen debate at the Bank over whether developing country governments should adopt active industrial policies, previously taboo at the institution.
World Bank private sector approach under fire
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Bank's private sector lending arm, has come under fire for its business model, increasing use of financial intermediaries such as banks, funding of companies associated with tax havens, and its controversial Doing Business report.
Papua New Guinea: Fears about SEZ
The International Financial Corporation's (IFC) proposal to establish a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has caused concerns within the country.