A number of NGOs are mobilizing to input into the redrafting of the World Bank’s information disclosure policy.
WDR resignation embarrasses Bank
In late May Ravi Kanbur resigned from his position as World Development Report lead author following attempts by Bank and government officials to make him change his text.
Bank assessment policies discussed
The latest issue of News and Notices for World Bank Watchers discusses World Bank social and environmental assessments and calls for a new “dynamic assessment” procedure.
IFI governance
Back To Basics For IMF
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) should scrap its long-term lending programmes to poor countries because it lacks competence on issues such as reducing poverty, according to a new report, The Future Role of the IMF in Development: An ODC Task Force Report, by the Overseas Development Council (ODC).
IFI governance
Stiglitz “Appalled” At IMF Policy
Joseph Stiglitz, former World Bank chief economist, took the opportunity of the extensive media interest in the planned protests against the Bank and IMF at their Spring Meetings to launch an attack on IMF policy advice and practices.
Private Sector
IMF Board Blocks PSI Publication
The new buzz word in the global architecture debate is PSI - Private Sector Involvement.
Social services
India Health Review Queried
A short report Inspection or Eyewash? discusses the visit of World Bank officials to hospitals of the Punjab Health Systems Corporation (PHSC) on 8 May.
Bank Ducks Coal India Release
After a four month delay, Asger Christensen, World Bank Task Leader for the India Coal Sector project replied to Minewatch in May saying that the Bank could not release the mid-term review of the project.
IFI governance
Treasury Committee supports UK transparency
The UK should be more transparent about the decisions it takes at the IMF recommends the UK’s Treasury Committee in its February 2000 report on the IMF.
IFI governance
Doubts about chief economist appointment
Nick Stern, professor at the London School of Economics and former chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will succeed Joseph Stiglitz as World Bank chief economist.