The Bank board approved in June a management response to a complaint from residents of the Barranco district in Lima, Peru, about the impacts of a bus service project that it supported.
World Bank launches new Africa strategy
In March, the World Bank launched its new Africa strategy, outlining three main areas in which it will focus its operations: competitiveness and employment, vulnerability and resilience of citizens, and governance and public sector capacity.
Highlights: Meeting of UK NGOs with UK Alternate Executive Director to the World Bank
Meeting between UK NGOs and UK Alternate Execituve Director to the World Bank Caroline Sergeant on 5 September 2008.
Highlights: Meeting of UK NGOs with UK Alternate Executive Director to the World Bank
Meeting between UK NGOs and UK Alternate Execituve Director to the World Bank -Caroline Sergeant- on July 22, 2008.
The World Bank and transport
Given that the World Bank's primary activity in its first decades of operation was financing infrastructure projects, the fact that the transport sector is the single largest sector for Bank lending should come as no surprise. However with the prevalence of concerns about underinvestment in social sectors, transport lending was on the decline in the late 90s and early part of this century. Now the pendulum is swinging back and transport sector lending is on the rise in both the public and privat
Failing small farmers: The World Bank and agriculture
Stinging from a critique from its own evaluation unit on its work on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa, the World Bank released its flagship annual report on agriculture in October to heavy criticism from civil society.
At the crossroads: Which way the World Bank's transport strategy?
Following an IEG evaluation of the World Bank's work in transport, and delays in the release of a new Bank transport strategy, Public World director Brendan Martin asks what the Bank has learned. With spending on transport likely to increase, what direction will the Bank's transport projects take from here and who is in the driver's seat?
Highlights of UK NGO meeting with UK Executive Director to the WB/IMF Tom Scholar
Highlights of a 22 June 2007 meeting between UK NGOs and UK executive director to the World Bank and IMF, Tom Scholar. Issues covered included review of the Bank's transport strategy, avoided deforestation, conditionality, debt, social protection and IFI governance.