
Meetings of the G24 in Bali, Annuals 2018

IFI governance


G24 communiqué analysis - Annual Meetings 2018

Analysis of the G24 communiqué, issued on 11 October at the 2018 World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings in Nusa Dua, Bali.

16 October 2018

IFI governance


Annual Meetings Preamble: 10 years after crisis, World Bank and IMF fight for relevance amidst mounting global economic pressure

BWIs' approach questioned amidst lingering crisis of multilateralism.

5 October 2018

IFI governance


The IMF and World Bank: Aiding and abetting inequality in Asia

As inequality in Asia continues to deepen, civil society renews calls for IMF and World Bank to be held accountable for exacerbating inequality.

28 September 2018 | Guest comment
Wrong tool. wrong problem.



Banking on human capital: Beware unspecified returns

As World Bank prepares to launch its Human Capital Index at the upcoming Annual Meetings in Indonesia, long-standing critiques of Human Capital Theory remain.

27 September 2018



Annual Meetings in Bali: BWP’s Dispatch, and alternative events

BWP publishes Dispatch as civil society organise alternative events during IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings in Bali

27 September 2018



Landmark climate-change complaint against IFC lodged in Philippines

The Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ) makes history by filing first ever climate-related complaint against the IFC with the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO).

6 December 2017
Boy baths in polluted river

Social services


Civil society fights Jakarta water privatisation during Annual Meetings in Bali

The Coalition of Jakarta Residents Opposing Water Privatisation (KMMSAJ) calls for civil society groups globally to join them during Annual Meetings in Bali in protest against water privatisation

27 September 2018
Participants at a recent Fight Inequality Alliance event.



Fight Inequality Alliance prepares for Annual Meetings in Bali

Fight Inequality Alliance meets in Brazil to plan action against current shocking levels of inequality and prepare for World Bank and IMF October Annual meetings in Bali, Indonesia.

27 July 2018 | Events



The IMF, Gender Equality and Labour

BWP briefing explores IMF's labour market policies in the context of women in the informal economy and suggests they will not contribute to decreasing inequalities.

2 October 2017 | Briefings



Deepening World Bank and AIIB cooperation: Locking in a failed development model?

Co-financing arrangements and increased World Bank-AIIB cooperation on mega-infrastructure projects represent a dangerous global trend that threatens human rights and locks in a failed development model.

3 July 2017



Indonesian CSOs demand World Bank stop funding infrastructure funds

Indonesian organisations have demanded that the World Bank stops funding harmful infrastructure funds, highlighting impacts on the environment and indigenous communities.

7 April 2017



World Bank policy lending undermines climate goals

A CSO report has found that the World Bank’s development policy lending is supporting incentives for fossil fuels in Egypt, Indonesia, Mozambique and Peru.

6 April 2017