Chapter of CIFs Monitor 8 on the Forest Investment Program (FIP)
Clean Technology Fund (CTF)
Chapter of CIFs Monitor 8 on the Clean Technology Fund (CTF)
Review and update of the World Bank’s safeguard policies
Minutes from a side event with the World Bank safeguards team presenting an update on the review process during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2013.
IFI governance
Meeting president Kim’s pledge of “no dilution” for safeguards
Minutes of a civil society meeting on upward harmonisation of World Bank safeguards during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2013.
IFI governance
Continuing conversations with CAO
Minutes from a CAO sponsored event during the 2013 World Bank/IMF annual meetings.
IFI governance
Austerity and Inequality in Europe
Minutes from Oxfam-hosted civil society seminar at 2013 Annual meetings on European austerity and inequality
IMF gets emerging markets wrong, again
The Fund has had to conduct another embarrassing “U-turn” to warn of the growing risks to the stability of developing countries, while cautiously accepting the need for capital controls in principle, but not necessarily in practice.
Indrawati under investigation over Indonesian banking scandal
In early May, World Bank managing director Sri Mulyani Indrawati answered questions from the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission in relation to a 6.7 trillion rupiah ($675 million) 2008 bailout of Bank Century.
Halting the global land rush: protecting land rights and promoting food security
This event discussed how to invest in agriculture in a responsible way, including research on the scale of the global rush for land, and explored potential solutions to the problem, including the role that the World Bank can and must play.
Open for business: World Bank to reinvest in palm oil amid criticism
Early April saw the launch of the new World Bank Group strategy for engagement in the palm oil sector, which failed to resolve civil society concerns over several issues, including the rights of indigenous peoples and how performance standards will be applied across supply chains.
Palmed off: World Bank's palm oil framework 'business as usual' despite environmental and rights con
The World Bank’s draft framework for investment in the palm oil sector was met with dismay from civil society groups, who said that it failed to offer a credible strategy to address manifold social and environmental problems.
Is IFC palm oil investment a foregone conclusion?
The World Bank is currently undertaking a major review of its controversial engagement in palm oil production, but critics warn that consultation has been inadequate and that the Bank seems to have already decided to continue investment in the sector.