In a letter to Bank President, James Wolfensohn, the Japanese Network for Indonesian Democracy, called for the Indonesian Consultative Group meeting, scheduled for 17-18th October in Japan, to be postponed until the human rights situation improved.
Jakarta activists call for local initiatives
NGO activists in Jakarta wrote an open letter to World Bank President James Wolfensohn in February, asking him to meet directly with the people to hear their own solutions to reverse Indonesia’s economic decline based on small-scale, local initiatives.
IMF and Bank failed to spot Indonesia corruption
The International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) has criticised the Bank and Fund for failing to properly supervise the use of loan funds which were intended to help refinance the shattered banking sector.
Call to halt aid after Timorese massacres
Massacres perpetrated and condoned by the Indonesian army have led to calls to halt World Bank and IMF aid programmes to Indonesia.
Oil-Palm Watch
Indonesian NGOs, concerned about the spread of oil palm plantations since the onslaught of the crisis, have formed “Sawat (Oil Palm) Watch”.
Indonesian NGOs criticise safety net, oppose new loans
In response to concerns that ruling party Golkar would misuse World Bank funds for election purposes, the Bank and IMF agreed in May to put new loans into a special Bank of Indonesia account.
Indonesian farmers criticise Bank project
The Yayasan Duta Awam Foundation (YDA) has conducted a 15 month grassroots investigation of the Bank-financed Integrated Swamps Development Project.
Early fears of mass Indonesian poverty “unfounded”, says Bank
The worst fears of massive increases in poverty in Indonesia are “unfounded” according to a report by the World Bank, which draws on 3 new surveys on the social implications of the financial crisis.
Social services
Indonesian safety nets condemned
The coordination, coverage and targetting of public works schemes in Indonesia, part of the Bank’s safety-net programme, has been poor, and resources have been diverted for other uses.
Social services
Safety-nets: too little too late
The World Bank has been criticised for taking too long to implement its safety-net programmes in Indonesia, and for failing to ensure that public works benefit the most needy.
Oil campaign
Indonesian NGOs are setting up a major new campaign against the expansion of large-scale oil palm plantations in their country.