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Kyrgyz Republic

IFI governance


Great Expectations a year on: IMF moving the needle on inequality but not yet the gear

One year after Oxfam study, IMF making progress on inequality agenda but still needs a fundamental shift

28 September 2018 | Guest analysis



Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR)

Pipeline management and cancellation policies are in preparation for the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) to address funding constraints, with no funding available for new pilot countries’ projects. Questions were raised about gender impacts for a renewable energy project in Mozambique.

30 November 2016



Climate Investment Funds Monitor 14

New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) Monitor, including an update on the Green Climate Fund, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.

30 November 2016



Climate Investment Funds Monitor 13

New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Fund (CIFs) Monitor, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.

13 June 2016



Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR)

The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) has called for urgent donations to be able to finance projects pending approval. The CIF strategic directions paper proposed for a new private sector window to be set up. Concerns were raised about community consultations in Samoa and around resettlement risks related to a Haiti project.

13 June 2016



Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR)

The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) has expanded with ten countries despite a lack of funds. The US questioned the approval of a Bolivia project and resettlement issues were raised on two Cambodia projects.

4 November 2015
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Other news



Who’s poor? New estimates of PPPs led to halving of World Bank’s poverty numbers

A May World Bank-led statistical operation has used a new method to estimate purchasing power parities, allowing it to more than halve the estimated number of people living on below $1.25 per day.

6 August 2014

Private Sector


Kyrgztani environmentalists concerned about Bank-backed incinerators

NGOs in Kyrgyzstan have raised serious concerns about plans for an urban waste incinerator to be built by Italian company ITI.

10 September 2001

Private Sector


Kyrgyzstanis oppose incinerator

NGOs in Kyrgyzstan have raised serious concerns about plans for an urban waste incinerator to be built by Italian company ITI.

10 September 2001



Kyrgyzstan land moratorium lifted

The five-year moratorium on the sale and purchase of land in Kyrgyzstan will be lifted.

6 February 2001

Social services


Kyrgz mine spill lessons

A serious cyanide spill at an IFC- and MIGA-backed mine this May raises questions about the Bank Group environmental procedures for mines.

15 December 1998
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