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Russian Federation



World Bank and IMF’s response to global food crisis misses mark, as financial speculation drives food prices to historic highs

Action plan launched by Bretton Woods Institutions and other IFIs ignores role of corporatisation of agriculture in contributing to current crisis.

21 July 2022

IFI governance


Spring Meetings 2022 Wrap-Up: Progress on key issues side-tracked by Ukraine invasion and BWIs’ own sense of drift

Spring Meetings conclude with frantic calls for stronger multilateralism, but few advances in key issues such as Covid-19 unequal recovery, debt, inequality and climate crises, while Russia participation prevents G20, G24 and Development Committee from releasing a communique.

26 April 2022

IFI governance


IMFC chair statement analysis – Spring Meetings 2022

The IMFC issued a chair statement in place of a communiqué. It discussed a long list of challenges with focus on fallout from Ukraine invasion and climate change.

26 April 2022



China goes global with development banks

This briefing examines the trajectory of China's evolving leadership in international development finance, including the impact of it's massive increase in development finance for developing countries.

5 April 2016 | At Issue



IMF rule-change sustains lending to Ukraine

The IMF has changed its long-standing rule on lending to countries in arrears to official creditors, thereby avoiding having to cancel its $17.5 billion loan programme to Ukraine.

1 February 2016



The rise of the infrastructure giants

World Bank faces increased competition over large scale infrastructure in Asia, with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the BRICS Bank.

20 June 2014



BRICS Bank: New bottle, how’s the wine?

Last year BRICS' leaders agreed to launch a BRICS development bank. Whether this is considered positive depends in part what questions are being asked. Sameer Dossani of ActionAid International highlights the flaws in the World Bank and IMF, analyses whether a BRICS Bank could be different from these institutions and proposes what it should do and what it should look like.

27 February 2014 | At Issue

Private Sector


Croissants and TV guides: World Bank's new poverty reduction strategy?

IFC investments in a TV guide, hotels and online shopping highlight projects with weak development outcomes

3 December 2013
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Other news



Investigation on World Bank support for Mongolia mining project deferred

The Inspection Panel has deferred a decision to investigate a complaint regarding environmental, social and economic damage related to a World Bank funded mining project in Mongolia.

5 April 2016

IFI governance


After SCOTUS: Next steps in sovereign debt restructuring

Notes of a meeting on sovereign debt restructuring after SCOTUS at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

9 October 2014

IFI governance


Calls for IMF quota reform implementation

Countries, including Russia and India, have continued to express concerns over the failure to complete the 2010 IMF quota reform.

2 December 2013



Russian advisors get new jobs

Martin Gilman, former IMF Moscow representative, has been hired to teach economics by the Russian state-funded Higher School of Economics, while Anders Aslund, the one-time consultant and promoter of Russian privatisation, has been appointed to a World Bank team investigating the success of such programmes.

18 June 2001



Russian u-turn on IMF conditionality

In September, Russia reimposed energy sector controls to force Russian oil companies to sell some of their product on the home market, only months after it removed them to comply with IMF conditionality.

26 October 2000



IMF halts Russia loans during Chechnya crisis

In December the IMF halted loans to Russia as the war in Chechnya reached crisis point.

15 December 1999



Western banks in Russian corruption scandal

The FBI and US Congress are investigating allegations that the Bank of New York, the Republic National Bank and other Western financial institutions were involved in laundering IMF loans siphoned out of Russia by the mafia helped by top Kremlin officials.

15 September 1999
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