The World Bank’s London office has transferred responsibility for providing public access to World Bank operational documents to the EMIC library at the Department of Trade and Industry, Kingsgate House, Victoria Street.
IFI governance
Changes at Bank NGO Unit
The World Bank is searching for a new coordinator for its NGO Unit to replace John Clarke who is moving to the Asia department to become the Focal Point for NGO relations there.
IFI governance
Participation Conference
Participation experiences in 20 Bank-assisted operations will be reviewed in an international conference co-sponsored by the World Bank, to be held in Washington in November 1998.
Middle-income country charges up
To halt the decline in its income, the World Bank has raised the charges middle-income…
IFI governance
World Bank self-image revealed
This summer the World Bank’s external affairs team commissioned a detailed survey of views about what the Bank does and should do.
Social services
NGO network on health and adjustment
A new European network has been established to work on the health impacts of debt and adjustment and promote good health policies.
Bank boss meets rights groups
Leading human rights NGOs met World Bank President Wolfensohn in June.
Organising for the 2000 poverty report
The 2000 Report will tackle poverty and be led by Ravi Kanbur, of Cornell University in the USA, working with a team of Bank staff including Michael Walton, Director, Poverty Reduction.
Draft Bank gender policy queried
The World Bank has circulated a consultation paper towards a proposed Policy Research Report on gender issues to be published in Spring 2000.
What is the WDR for, and how is it produced?
Given the lack of clarity and satisfaction about how WDRs are produced, and the difficulty of persuading the authors to recognise and include alternative views, the Bretton Woods Project has written to the Bank asking for a formal explanation.
IFI governance
Forest review concession
The Bank has now accepted that its Forest Policy Implementation Review will look at effects on forests of its non-forest lending, and that its Operations Evaluation Department will do some of the field studies.
IDA talks climax
The World Bank is now in the advanced stages of negotiation with donor countries on funding for the next 3 years of its International Development Association soft loan funding arm.