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Gambling with the planet’s future? World Bank Development Policy Finance, ‘green’ conditionality, and the push for a private-led energy transition

BWP's review of energy sector conditionality in World Bank Development Policy Financing from fiscal years 2018 to 2023 reveals the Bank has followed a pattern of promoting neoliberal reforms in many countries' energy sectors, with climate action increasingly being viewed as the rationale for these changes.

9 April 2024 | Briefings



Economic stability with social instability: The IMF and austerity protests in Colombia

Mario Valencia of Latindadd explains the context of ongoing protests in Colombia following proposed tax increases from the IMF.

13 July 2021 | Guest analysis

IFI governance


The challenges of financing infrastructure in developing countries through PPPs: A focus on contracts and laws

Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on financing infrastruure in Latin America through PPPs. This session aims to discuss the main challenges pose by the widespread promotion of PPPs and its impacts in particular Latin American cases.

11 October 2017 | Minutes

Social services


World Bank undermines right to universal healthcare

The IFC’s push for the PPP model, as well as its preference for healthcare ‘provision’ and the results-based payment approach, collectively undermine the human right to universal healthcare and the achievement of the SDGs.

6 April 2017 | At Issue



CSOs refuse to participate in World Bank PPP consultation

CSOs have refused to participate in a World Bank PPP consultation until transparency and accountability concerns are addressed.

6 April 2017



Clean Technology Fund (CTF)

A revised Clean Technology Fund (CTF) pipeline management and cancellation policy has been approved. A document outlining further details on the proposed “CTF 2.0” will be discussed. Approval for reallocation of funds for a Morocco project was challenged by Germany and the decision postponed.

30 November 2016



Climate Investment Funds Monitor 14

New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) Monitor, including an update on the Green Climate Fund, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.

30 November 2016



Climate Investment Funds Monitor 13

New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Fund (CIFs) Monitor, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.

13 June 2016
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Other news

IFI governance


Voices of the Global South: Taxation and polycrisis

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on April 14 2023 titled "Voices of the Global South: Taxation and polycrisis"

14 April 2023 | Minutes

Social services


World Bank’s “wakeup call” on universal health

New World Bank report shows lack of access to basic health services has pushed six per cent of the global population into poverty, as the IFC continues to support private health providers.

7 July 2015

IFI governance


The impact of the BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB)

Notes of a meeting on BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB) at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

11 October 2014

IFI governance


Comparative analysis of social and environmental safeguards in IFIs

Notes of a meeting on comparative analysis of social and environmental safeguards in IFIs at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

8 October 2014



Who’s poor? New estimates of PPPs led to halving of World Bank’s poverty numbers

A May World Bank-led statistical operation has used a new method to estimate purchasing power parities, allowing it to more than halve the estimated number of people living on below $1.25 per day.

6 August 2014

IFI governance


IMF facilities review exposes image problem

The IMF facilities review reveals a lack of demand for post 2008 financial crisis lending instruments.

31 March 2014



Review and update of the World Bank’s safeguard policies

Minutes from a side event with the World Bank safeguards team presenting an update on the review process during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2013.

14 October 2013 | Minutes

IFI governance


Meeting president Kim’s pledge of “no dilution” for safeguards

Minutes of a civil society meeting on upward harmonisation of World Bank safeguards during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2013.

13 October 2013 | Minutes
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