


Haiti - “year of progress” or whitewash?

A letter from Haitian solidarity NGOs, faith groups and academics was sent to president Wolfowitz in August to protest the Bank's mis-portrayal of the situation in the country.

12 September 2005

Private Sector


Haitian jobs hang in the balance in IFC-funded plant

The International Finance Corporation, the Bank's private-sector arm, has brought in labour mediators in an attempt to resolve a dispute that threatens to leave hundreds of employees at an IFC-funded plant in Haiti without work.

26 July 2004

Private Sector


Haitian victory

Thirty-four union members at a free-trade zone plant financed by the IFC - laid off for over six weeks - were reinstated on 14 April.

28 May 2004

Private Sector


IFC Haiti project funding goes ahead despite investigation’s "mixed results"

The IFC committed $20 million to an industrial park in a Haitian free trade zone on 15 January, after an independent investigator found that "the project deserves continued strong support given its development impact, even if some wrongdoing was demonstrated."

3 February 2004



IFC “doubts” labour fears in Haiti, approves loan

The International Finance Corporation approved a loan of $20 million to the Dominican Republic's largest Export Processing Zone operator, Grupo M, for a new development on the border with Haiti.

17 November 2003



Haitian workers' rights violated as IFC decision looms

Within weeks of the first factory opening at a free trade zone which the IFC is considering supporting, workers have been fired for asking for improved working conditions and employees have been forbidden to organise.

1 October 2003



IFC decision pending on controversial Haiti free trade zone

The Board of the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank’s private-sector arm, is in the final stages of approval for a loan for development of the first of a series of proposed free trade zones along the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

11 September 2003



Bankrupt the World Bank!

As 80% of the money the World Bank uses to make its loans actually comes from the sale of bonds to institutional investors (pension funds, universities, municipalities, etc.

14 June 2000