Compensation claim before WorldBank’s ICSID raises questions about the value of special economic zones and fairness of ISDS mechanisms for Global South states.

Compensation claim before WorldBank’s ICSID raises questions about the value of special economic zones and fairness of ISDS mechanisms for Global South states.
As the IFC sets out a new strategy, CAO and CSO reports have raised further criticism over its investment in financial intermediaries, and a new law suit challenges its immunity.
IFC announces changes to environment and social safeguards after historic United States Supreme Court ruling.
CSO ICAR submitted a letter to the World Bank about safeguarding provisions on the use of public and private security personnel. Concerns were raised about the inappropriate use of force and high-risk situations.
Pipeline management and cancellation policies are in preparation for the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) to address funding constraints, with no funding available for new pilot countries’ projects. Questions were raised about gender impacts for a renewable energy project in Mozambique.
Challenges in measuring progress were noted for the Forest Investment Program (FIP), in particular greenhouse gas accounting. Investment plans for Mozambique and Ivory Coast have been approved. Questions were raised over the reasoning for a commercial teak plantation project in Ghana.
A new a new Enhanced Private Sector Program for the Scaling up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries (SREP) is due to discussed. Cambodia’s investment plan has been approved. Social, environmental and financial risks related to a Nicaragua geothermal project were raised.
New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) Monitor, including an update on the Green Climate Fund, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.
Civil society responds to World Bank president Jim Yong Kim statement on human rights abuses and displacement by calls for the World Bank to suspend funding to Honduras amid continued human rights concerns.
New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Fund (CIFs) Monitor, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.
The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) has called for urgent donations to be able to finance projects pending approval. The CIF strategic directions paper proposed for a new private sector window to be set up. Concerns were raised about community consultations in Samoa and around resettlement risks related to a Haiti project.
The rationale for adding new pilot countries to the Forest Investment Program (FIP) given funding constraints has been questioned, as well as the focus on providing loans rather than grants. The CIF strategic directions paper noted challenges for the FIP, and proposed a new private sector window. Questions were raised about the consultation of ethnic minorities in relation to a Laos project.