


Forest Investment Program (FIP)

Six new countries were invited to join the Forest Investment Program (FIP), with a further nine invited to develop investment plans, despite insufficient funds. Potential support for oil palm plantations in Democratic Republic of Congo and industrial logging in Indonesia and Peru were questioned.

4 November 2015



Forest Investment Program (FIP)

Options for potential new funding for the Forest Investment Program have been further elaborated, including priority rankings for current and potential new pilot countries, however, funding constraints remain and many current projects continue to be delayed.

6 May 2015



Causes and consequences of income inequality: A global perspective

Notes from a meeting on income inequality during the World Bank spring meetings.

16 April 2015 | Minutes

Private Sector


Civil society letter re: the IFC and lessons learned

A letter from civil society in response to the IFC's lesson learned briefing

13 June 2014 | Letters



World Bank targeted over role in land grabs

As activists staged global protests highlighting the potential damage from new World Bank agriculture rankings, Cambodian groups expressed concerns over reports that the Bank is considering resuming loans to Cambodia.

12 November 2014



Clean Technology Fund (CTF)

Clean Technology Fund (CTF) funding approvals continue to rise, including private sector projects for geothermal energy. Revisions for investment plans were approved for Nigeria and the MENA region, with Libya added as a new country.

12 November 2014



Forest Investment Program (FIP)

Disbursement of funds continues to be slow in the Forest Investment Program (FIP). The World Bank has responded to civil society groups’ criticism over the lack of consultation for FIP plans in Indonesia.

12 November 2014



Dangers of dilution: World Bank’s new weak environmental and social framework

World Bank’s new draft environmental and social framework is criticised as a step backwards that could lower the standards for the international development community.

29 September 2014 | Guest comment



Clean Technology Fund (CTF)

Updates on the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) from CIFs Monitor 9

17 June 2014

IFI governance


IMF facilities review exposes image problem

The IMF facilities review reveals a lack of demand for post 2008 financial crisis lending instruments.

31 March 2014

Social services


“Middle-income country”? Over half live in poverty

The recently announced four-year programme of the World Bank for Mexico overstates the involvement of civil society and fails to address the real causes of poverty.

26 July 2004 | Guest comment



Mexican NGOs demand transparency

In November Mexican civil society networks greeted incoming president, Vincente Fox, with a letter calling for greater transparency and accountability in the country’s decision making processes.

12 December 2000