IMF’s new gender mainstreaming strategy makes effort to include civil society demands but falls short of transformative vision as austerity remains Fund’s raison-d’état.
IFI governance
The challenges of financing infrastructure in developing countries through PPPs: A focus on contracts and laws
Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on financing infrastruure in Latin America through PPPs. This session aims to discuss the main challenges pose by the widespread promotion of PPPs and its impacts in particular Latin American cases.
World Bank policy lending undermines climate goals
A CSO report has found that the World Bank’s development policy lending is supporting incentives for fossil fuels in Egypt, Indonesia, Mozambique and Peru.
Forest Investment Program (FIP)
Challenges in measuring progress were noted for the Forest Investment Program (FIP), in particular greenhouse gas accounting. Investment plans for Mozambique and Ivory Coast have been approved. Questions were raised over the reasoning for a commercial teak plantation project in Ghana.
Climate Investment Funds Monitor 14
New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) Monitor, including an update on the Green Climate Fund, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.
Climate Investment Funds Monitor 13
New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Fund (CIFs) Monitor, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.
Forest Investment Program (FIP)
The rationale for adding new pilot countries to the Forest Investment Program (FIP) given funding constraints has been questioned, as well as the focus on providing loans rather than grants. The CIF strategic directions paper noted challenges for the FIP, and proposed a new private sector window. Questions were raised about the consultation of ethnic minorities in relation to a Laos project.
Forest Investment Program (FIP)
Six new countries were invited to join the Forest Investment Program (FIP), with a further nine invited to develop investment plans, despite insufficient funds. Potential support for oil palm plantations in Democratic Republic of Congo and industrial logging in Indonesia and Peru were questioned.
Other news
World Bank dispute arbitration mechanism publishes proposed rule changes
The World Bank-funded International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes has published its proposed changes to its rules for resolving disputes between states and foreign investors, with ongoing consultation.
Peru CSOs demand World Bank accountability
Peruvian CSOs have raised concerns about the development of Peru's Country Partnership Framework in an open letter to the World Bank.
IFI governance
Recommended resources on the World Bank and IMF 2015
The best books and papers on the World Bank and IMF from 2015.
Bankspeak of the year 2015
Every year the Bretton Woods Project highlights some of the most farcical remarks of Fund and Bank staff.
Toward COP21: A panorama of World Bank Group’s approach in supporting Peru’s climate agenda
Notes from a meeting at the IMF/World Bank CSO Forum at the 2015 Annual meetings, focusing on impact of World Bank support to Peru's climate change strategies.
Causes and consequences of income inequality: A global perspective
Notes from a meeting on income inequality during the World Bank spring meetings.
IFI governance
Comparative analysis of social and environmental safeguards in IFIs
Notes of a meeting on comparative analysis of social and environmental safeguards in IFIs at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014
IFC criticised over Peruvian mine investment
IFC’s accountability mechanism has criticised a series of errors in IFC’s social and environmental risk management of its Peruvian Quellaveco mine investment.