


Failure to lend to Venezuela and Iran once again raises questions around IMF’s political neutrality

IMF fails to respond to loan requests from Iran and Venezula as they struggle to respond to increasing Covid-19 cases and deaths.

16 July 2020

Private Sector


World Bank arbitration mechanism ICSID rules in favour of El Salvador

ICSID, a World Bank arm for investor-state dispute arbitration, ruled that the $250 million case brought by Pac Rim Cayman against El Salvador in 2009 was without merit.

31 January 2017

IFI governance


Governance and impact report 2014

Notes of a meeting on governance and impact report 2014 at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

8 October 2014

Private Sector


ICSID and Latin America

Latin American states are actively exploring alternative mechanisms to the ICSID state-investor dispute mechanism which they claim has investor bias.

3 December 2013 | At Issue



Venezuela disputes IMF growth predictions

Venezuela's Central Bank said in November that the country should begin to pull out of recession with 2 per cent growth predicted for 2011, four times more than the IMF suggested.

29 November 2010



Venezuela v. Exxon back to ICSID?

Venezuela has asked Exxon Mobil to go back to the World Bank's International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, and drop lawsuits filed in other courts in London and New York.

1 April 2008

IFI governance


IMF welcomes coup in Venezuela

On 12 April Thomas Dawson, the gaffe-prone IMF External Relations Director, welcomed the short-lived Venezuelan administration headed by Pedro Carmona, a business association leader.

8 May 2002