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World Bank legitimising illegal Israeli occupation of West Bank

The Bank's approach to development in Palestine hinges on the full acceptance of the status quo - e.g. continued occupation and the presence of the settlements and the wall - as well as joint projects that impose PNA-Israeli cooperation, often with a third international partner. Politically, these development projects threaten to legitimise Israeli claims in regards to the wall, Jerusalem, land annexation and settlements that have resulted in the fragmentation and ghettoisation of the West Bank

29 September 2008 | Guest comment



World Bank: head in the sand over 'peace conduit'

NGO Friends of the Earth Middle East has expressed concern over the World Bank's involvement in the Red Sea to Dead Sea water conveyance project, in particular its failure to consider alternatives that would tackle the root cause of the Dead Sea's degradation

4 December 2007
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Palestinian NGOs reject Red Sea-Dead Sea canal

In the wake of the April publication of the World Bank funded feasibility study of the Red Sea – Dead Sea canal, a coalition of 19 Palestinian organisations and three experts have rejected the plan and described the participation process as a “mockery”.

2 December 2013



'Undesirable' Red-Dead canal deemed "feasible"

The Bank's public consultation on its $9.97 billion 'Red Sea - Dead Sea Water Conveyance' project, which aims to "save the Dead Sea from environmental degradation" and increase hydro-power whilst building "a symbol of peace", ended in March.

3 April 2013



Red Sea - Dead Sea project: World Bank intentions questioned

The Inspection Panel (IP), the Bank’s compliance body, issued a report in March considering “legitimate” environmental and human rights concerns regarding the Bank’s feasibility study for a project to channel water from the Red Sea to replenish the Dead Sea.

5 April 2012



FMI: Amenazado el crecimiento palestino

El FMI está preparando un informe para defender su posición afirmando que no será posible sostener el 6.8 por ciento de tasa de crecimiento en Cisjordania si Israel no levanta sus restricciones sobre las inversiones palestinas públicas y privadas.

30 June 2010

IFI governance


Bank hired in Israel without bidding process

The World Bank was awarded a $500,000 contract to examine the Israeli Electricity Corporation's financial condition with no bidding process. If this were a Bank-funded project, such a procedure would not be allowed.

22 September 2009
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