To prevent repression and retaliation at their Annual Meetings in Marrakesh, World Bank and IMF must work proactively with MENA civil society and Moroccan authorities on safeguarding civic space and upholding free speech.
Repairing harm caused: What could a reparations approach mean for the IMF and World Bank?
It is time for the IMF and World Bank to understand their own responsibility and decolonise their approach.
Uprising and discontent: Global protests erupt against IMF-backed policies
From Latin America to North Africa and the Middle East, governments experience backlash against IMF loan programmes and policy recommendations.
Tunisia Commission seeks reparations for human rights violations from IMF and World Bank
Bretton Woods Institutions found to share responsibility for social unrest leading to serious human rights violations.
Strikes overturn wage cuts, but IMF blindness risks ruining Tunisia
General Secretary of Tunisia's largest trade union calls for an overhaul of the IMF's approach to bring about socially just expansionary policies, after strikes overturn IMF-backed wage bill
Will IMF stick its head in the sand on human rights Guiding Principles?
UN releases Guiding Principles on human rights impact assessments of economic reforms, begging the question of how the IMF will respond.
IFI governance
Great Expectations a year on: IMF moving the needle on inequality but not yet the gear
One year after Oxfam study, IMF making progress on inequality agenda but still needs a fundamental shift
The political cost of IMF programmes
As Jordan is engulfed in social unrest and political upheaval, questions are raised around the relationship between IMF conditionality and trends in instability.
Other news
Tunisian government resists proposed IMF austerity programme
Tunisian government is attempting to renegotiate IMF loan to avoid subsidy cuts on food and fuel.
IMF and World Bank’s Influence on Economic Policy Making in Developing Countries
Notes from a meeting at the IMF/World Bank CSO Forum at the 2016 Spring meetings, evaluating how well the World Bank and IMF have done on respecting the country ownership principle ten years after its international acceptance.
IFI governance
Are we heading towards an austerity-based recovery?
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on April 13, 2022 on "Are We Heading Towards and Austerity-Based Recovery?"
Cutting to the core: Rethinking the IMF’s way of doing business to tackle gender inequalities
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum panel event on 17 October on the IMF’s approach to gender.
World Bank and IMF prepare Tunisia loan programmes
As the IMF initiates negotiations with Tunisia, concerns have been expressed that renewed reforms will not be inclusive or target deep-seated economic and social issues.
New BWP report on the IMF in MENA region
BWP report finds few signs of IMF policy-change in the MENA region post 2011.
IFI governance
Subsidy reform in Arab countries: Reflection on IMF recommendations
New America Foundation civil society event on subsidy reform in Arab countries, held in the civil society forum of the 2013 IMF/World Bank annual meetings
Social services
Is the World Bank serious about engaging CSOs and communities
Minutes from a civil society event on civil society consultations in the health sector at the WB/IMF annual meetings.