
IFI governance


CSO land rights and resettlement

Notes of a meeting with CSOs on land rights and resettlement at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

7 October 2014



CSOs - Inspection Panel meeting and discussion

Q: How do you train the board? Organise orientation of new Board members, are often…

10 April 2014 | Minutes

Social services


A poor diagnosis: the World Bank’s health record

World Bank health financing benefits wealthy elites not poorest according to new IEG evaluation and Oxfam analysis

29 September 2014

Social services


Going, going, gone?

IFC accused of “McDonaldisation” of education, with investment in low-fee private schools, despite evidence of negative impacts on inequality.

9 May 2014



World Bank accused of resettlement “cultural genocide”

A series of high-profile eviction cases in Kenya, Nigeria and Cambodia has exposed the World Bank’s failure to protect the human rights of communities supposed to benefit from its projects, prompting widespread international condemnation.

31 March 2014

Private Sector


Shopping mall Shangri-La: IFC’s lending for luxury

IFC investments in luxury hotels and shopping malls highlight projects with weak development outcomes.

27 February 2014



IMF conditionality and its discontents

A new study shows a significant worldwide pattern of protests targeting the IMF, reflecting the increase in IMF influence through loan programmes with austerity conditions attached and indirect pressure on governments.

23 January 2014



Kenya evictions: foreshadowing future World Bank forest work?

Indigenous peoples have been evicted from their forests by a conservation project in Kenya funded by the World Bank. The Bank is currently drafting a new forests action plan.

23 January 2014



The IFIs in 2013: year in review

The Bretton Woods Project review of the most important developments at the World Bank and IMF in 2013.

8 January 2014 | Review

Social services


Is the World Bank serious about engaging CSOs and communities

Minutes from a civil society event on civil society consultations in the health sector at the WB/IMF annual meetings.

12 October 2013 | Minutes



IFC invests in Kenyan private international school

The International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank) in mid-March proposed a $7 million investment in Kenyan private education firm, Brookhouse Schools Limited.

9 April 2013



Inflation "obsession" hurting Kenyan growth

Constraints placed on the Central Bank of Kenya's monetary policy by the IMF have been condemned as damaging to Kenya's growth.

21 November 2011