New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Fund (CIFs) Monitor, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.

New edition of the Bretton Woods Project's biannual Climate Investment Fund (CIFs) Monitor, published to coincide with the World Bank-hosted CIFs trust fund committee meetings.
The upcoming Clean Technology Fund (CTF) resource shortfall continues to raise concerns. A proposal for “CTF 2.0” will be discussed, including two proposed modalities: CTF Green Markets and the Risk Mitigation Facility. Concerns were raised over safeguards for a geothermal energy project in Indonesia.
As the World Bank closed the third and final round of public consultations on its new draft social and environmental standards, further concerns have been raised about problematic and weak language.
Civil society in Nigeria has criticised and called for disclosure of a water privatisation scheme in Lagos involving the World Bank.
A UN special rapporteur, CSOs and donor countries have critiqued the lack of human rights in the World Bank's draft new environmental and social framework, as the consultation process has continued to be fraught with difficulty.
IMF and World Bank face up to slowing global economy, but downplay risks of new debt crises for low income countries
An impending shortfall in available resources for the Clean Technology Fund continues to concern, leading to cancellation of projects. Questions were raised about development impacts and reliance on geothermal energy in India and Indonesia's revised investment plans, and on debt sustainability in a Caribbean project.
Shayda Naficy argues that water infrastructure and distribution should be financed and managed by public entities rather than through privatisation.
The World Bank's push for water privatisation in Nigeria is harming people's access to safe, affordable water.
Concerns have been raised about a projected shortfall of resources for the Clean Technology Fund, with an early warning mechanism due to be discussed. Questions were raised about development benefits of a Colombia project and on safeguards for a Vietnam project.
New research reveals that Bank’s private sector arm, the IFC's Heath in Africa initiative is benefitting wealthy elites not the poorest.
Clean Technology Fund (CTF) funding approvals continue to rise, including private sector projects for geothermal energy. Revisions for investment plans were approved for Nigeria and the MENA region, with Libya added as a new country.